Nwod vampire combat sheet
Nwod vampire combat sheet

I'll try to get this play tested over the next month, but my thoughts on the initial scan through is that I like the simple core mechanic, which is akin to a coin toss with a fixed target number of 6 for each dice. For those that are NWoD/CoD fans, it's probably worth noting that these new Vampire rules seem to be taking ideas quite liberally from both lines anyway. Moreover, I think the NWoD/CoD titles are beginning to reach the end of their cycle anyway, in all honesty.

nwod vampire combat sheet

Having a Classic and New World of Darkness line running conjunctionally with each other is a terrible marketing plan, so it makes sense to seperate the two. The scenario takes place on the evening immediately after Enlightenment in Blood, but no knowledge of that LARP or its events is necessary to enjoy the playtest.​ It provides a glimpse into the tumultuous and destructive events that occurred in Berlin in May 2017, as told in Enlightenment in Blood, a VTM LARP event at the WoD Berlin convention. The Night After is a scenario that was designed specifically for these pre-alpha rules. We strongly recommend using them only to play The Night After scenario. We don’t recommend this: the pre-alpha rules were created specifically for The Night After scenario, and aren’t even close to final. We understand that you may be tempted to use this material to test the rules in ways that aren’t intended (such as trying to reverse-engineer the rules into your own scenarios, or published scenarios). Much will change between this version and the Alpha, Beta, and final release versions. It was created specifically to test the new Hunger Dice mechanics for a live playtest at the World of Darkness Berlin fan convention in May. That means it’s not feature complete, and the designers have not made final decisions about what rules and features will be included.


In fact we suggest that you play it more than once, making different decisions each time to experience the full scope of the rules. Actual play is the best way to experience and understand new rules concepts. We recommend strongly that you play the scenario and not just read the rules document.

Nwod vampire combat sheet